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This bouquet includes a selection of our favorite garden roses picked just for you. You will find a changing mixture of the freshest blooms in varying colors arranged in a glass vase.


For this option we cannot guarantee a specific rose variety, color, or stem length, however, we can guarantee you will receive a beautiful and fragrant combination in a color palette that works well together. Feel free to send us a note with your order if you have a specific color palette preference and we will accommodate if available. Garden rose beauty can be fleeting - you can expect to enjoy your bouquet for 3-5 days (sometimes longer!).


Images show examples of our Classic Garden Rose bouquets.

Classic Garden Rose Bouquet

  • Delivery Information

    Delivery is free to the Kansas City Metro area. Deliveries are made on Tuesdays and Fridays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. See order cut-off times for additional details.

  • Order Cut-Off Times

    For Tuesday Delivery - Orders must be placed by 12:00PM (noon) on Monday or delivery will be held until Friday.


    For Friday Delivery - Orders must be placed by 12:00PM (noon) on Thursday or delivery will be held until Tuesday. 

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