This bouquet includes a selection of our favorite garden roses picked just for you. You will find a changing mixture of the freshest blooms in varying colors arranged in a glass vase.
For this option we cannot guarantee a specific rose variety, color, or stem length, however, we can guarantee you will receive a beautiful and fragrant combination in a color palette that works well together. Feel free to send us a note with your order if you have a specific color palette preference and we will accommodate if available. Garden rose beauty can be fleeting - you can expect to enjoy your bouquet for 3-5 days (sometimes longer!).
Images show examples of our Classic Garden Rose bouquets.
Classic Garden Rose Bouquet
Delivery Information
Delivery is free to the Kansas City Metro area. Deliveries are made on Tuesdays and Fridays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. See order cut-off times for additional details.
Order Cut-Off Times
For Tuesday Delivery - Orders must be placed by 12:00PM (noon) on Monday or delivery will be held until Friday.
For Friday Delivery - Orders must be placed by 12:00PM (noon) on Thursday or delivery will be held until Tuesday.